Thrilled to be invited to speak on a subject related to this blog series at the American Planning Association World Town Planning Day conference on November 8, 2021!
11:00 am-Noon EST, Track 3
Germany has compared globally a top-ranking GDP. Policies including the German energy transition already triggered a significant structural change in the energy system. Germany already in 2001 established a Council for Sustainable Development advising the government and producing a sustainability strategy. In addition, many local governments embarked on a path towards planning for climate neutral and sustainable development. However, while there are many good willing actors the progress achieved so far is limited.
The session will look at the development in Germany over the last years and at the current situation where a new government is in the making. It will discuss local planning in several German cities but this will be done in an integrated way with a close eye on national policies as an important part of the enabling environment for a climate neutral and sustainable urban development.
Registration required
The American Planning Association's International Division invites planners, urban designers & placemakers to attend the 72nd annual APA World Town Planning Day virtual conference on the topic of Planning for Inter-Generational Equity.
As the world faces global crises like climate change and pandemics, planning for sustainable and equitable communities requires both long-term thinking and immediate action. Speakers from across the world will explore how planners can be changemakers today and support intergenerational equity at the community, national and global scales.
Track 1: Equitable Climate Adaptation
Track 2: Implementation + Accountability
Track 3: Representing the Future: Who needs to be at the table today?
Presentations spanning planning in Ethiopia, the United States, and Hong Kong:
10-11:00 am EST
Track 3: Building Equitable Engagement Into Modern Street Design
Speakers: Celeste Frye, AICP, CEO at Public Works Partners | Kethia Joseph, Senior Manager at Public Works Partners | Christopher Hrones, AICP, Director of Strategic Transit Initiatives, NYC Department of Transportation | Mike Flynn, AICP, Principal & National Director Transportation Planning, Sam Schwartz Engineering
11:00 am-Noon EST
Track 3: Local and national planning for a climate neutral and sustainable future of Germany
Speaker: Ulrich Graute, International Consultant for Sustainable Governance and Management
Track 1: Averting Famine: Tigray's Ecological Miracles Through Peace, Local Management, and Resilience
Speakers: Marta Woldu, Master's of Community Planning, University of Maryland-College Park | Haileselassie Ghebremariam Araya, PhD Candidate at the University of Nairobi and Graduate fellow at International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi, Kenya
Quick presentations providing diverse and global planning perspectives from both experienced professionals & young planners:
1-2:00 pm EST
Tracks 1-3: Young Planner Series
Mildred Warner, United States | Brenda Muduwa, Uganda | Axel David Murillo, Colombia | Aubrey Toldi, Italy
3-4:00 pm EST
Tracks 1-3: Fast+Fun Series
Sharon Schlossberg Dinur, Israel | Ana Carolina De Chanis, Panama | Mai Nguyen, Vietnam | Marie Jeanne Saleh, Chad | Sandra Camacho Otero, Mexico | Aimee Saginaw, United States | Hoang Tao, United States
6-7:30 pm EST
Track 1: APA International Division's Climate & Sustainability Working Group Presents: Inclusively Resilient Urbanism
Speakers: Jessica Schmidt, World Bank | Linda Shi, Cornell University | Jana El-Horr, World Bank | Zach Postone, Arup | Kate Holmquist, AICP, Principal Planner and Landscape Architect, WerkSTADT Urban Planning
World Town Planning Day is celebrated in 30 countries on four continents each November. It is a special day to recognize and promote the role of planning in creating liveable communities.
World Town Planning Day presents an excellent opportunity to look at planning from a global perspective, and APA encourages its members to consider planning challenges and solutions around the globe on that day.
The American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) endorses World Town Planning Day as a strategy to promote a broad-based awareness, support, and advocacy of community and regional planning among the general public and all levels of government through activities in recognition of American accomplishments on World Town Planning Day of each year.
Source: - accessed on 4 November 2021