Since 1990, the European Union promotes cooperation between cities, regions and countries to help their economic and social development and tackle the obstacle of borders. Interreg Europe is a cooperation programme, co-funded by the European Union and strives to reduce disparities in the levels of development, growth and quality of life in and across Europe’s regions. Originally, Interreg was developed as a Community Initiative with a budget of just EUR 1 billion covering exclusively cross-border cooperation. Later, Interreg has been extended to transnational and interregional cooperation. Now, in spring 2022 is approving the first programmes of the funding period 2021-2027.
There is always a discussion about the value added of cooperation programmes which are not directly linked to major investments. The value of co-operation is difficult to measure in economic terms. Cooperation develops between individuals and institutions over time. But isn't it smart to stimulate cooperation at a smaller scale first to develop partnerships and ideas which then may lead to investments covered by other national or European programmes?
In 2021-2027 programmes aim at contributing to implement EU’s cohesion policy main priorities:
In 2021-2027 Interreg has 2 new specific objectives:
As cooperation is the essence of the European Union, the regulatory provisions establish a much stronger link between Interreg programmes and Macro Regional Strategies and Sea Basin Strategies.
This “embedding principle” means that any
funded programmes should be able to support cooperation actions.
Today, this European Territorial Cooperation (Interreg) is organised under four strands to make cooperation
happening everywhere in Europe and beyond.
With a budget of 6.5 billion EUR, cross-border programmes are implemented within the EU and at EU’s external borders.
The interregional cooperation strand aims at boosting the effectiveness of cohesion policy by promoting exchange of experiences, innovative approaches and capacity building between regions (Art. 3(3) ETC Regulation (EU) 2021/1059).
For the period 2021-2027, four interregional cooperation programmes will continue:
Allocation for this strand amounts to more than EUR 550 million.
The strand C programmes cover all 27 EU member states. Norway and Switzerland will continue to be part of the programmes, as for 2014-2020, with their own funds.
Moreover, URBACT will cover 5 IPA beneficiary countries (Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Albania). ESPON will, next to Norway and Switzerland, include Lichtenstein and Iceland.
With the new regulation 2021-2027, the specificities of the Outermost regions are recognised trough a specific strand (Strand D)
It helps those regions to cooperate with neighbouring countries and territories in the most efficient and simple way.
Calls for proposals can be launched for combined funding under the ERDF, the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) established by Regulation (EU ) 2021/947 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Strand D concerns 4 geographical areas:
The financial amounts represent 3.5% of the INTERREG amount or over EUR 280 million.
Interreg for cooperation inside of the European Union
Interreg for cooperation outside of the European Union