Good as the engagement of UN-Habitat is the global outreach gets its strengths from support of other organizations which use Urban October to cluster own events within this period. Just have a look at this non inclusive list of planned international events organized by UN-Habitat partners this October:
58th ISOCARP World Planning Congress ‘From Wealthy to Healthy Cities
3rd – 6th October 2022 in Brussels, Belgium
2022 Daejeon United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) World Congress
10 - 14 October 2022 in Daejeon, Korea
EURegions Week 2022, European Week of Regions and Cities
10th – 13th October Brussels, Belgium
Daring Cities – The Global Virtual Forum for Urban Leaders Taking on the Climate Emergency; organized by ICLEI and the City of Bonn
3rd – 7th October 2022 in Bonn, Germany
World Metropolitan Day on 7 October 2022 is a global campaign led by Metropolis and UN-Habitat promoting collective action to build more equitable and prosperous metropolises.
If this is not enough of a firework for you, you can find many more independent international conferences on urban issues during October on the website Urban Conferences 2022/2023/2024
The listed conferences and those on provide a breathtaking picture on the many conferences related to urban sustainability during the time of Urban October.
It is good that there are so many activities on promoting urban development. The choice in the side of participants. However, one can attend (in person) only one event at a time and considering climate and multiple other crises drawing our resources and time I wonder if the multitude of international conferences is a sustainable approach. At least, alternatives should be explored to make Urban October and urban activities around the year and the globe most effective, efficient and sustainable.
Urban Conferences 2022/2023/2024