Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
The global health, economic and social crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically highlighted the vulnerability of certain populations which have been disproportionately affected. Existing structural problems and inequalities have been exacerbated. The World Bank estimates that, in a worst-case scenario, an additional 115 million people will fall into extreme poverty due to the pandemic.
In this challenging environment, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) play an essential role. CSOs that connect to and work with marginalized communities with a focus on advocacy and accountability are key to ensuring that human rights, transparency and citizen's participation are safeguarded. Furthermore, in an environment where governments face unprecedented economic negative shocks and need to decide what trade-offs to make, civil society organizations that focus their work on research and analysis are essential to promote decisions that are evidence-based. Without organizations that represent a wide range of people, we cannot build just, peaceful and inclusive societies that ¨leave no one behind¨.
Yet, even before the pandemic, civic space had been shrinking worldwide. According to the 2020 CIVICUS Monitor, only 3.4% of the world’s population lives in countries with open civic space. Governments’ efforts to curb infections have affected people’s civil and political rights, such as the freedom to assembly. While restrictions may be justified when their temporary nature and proportionality are ensured, there is also evidence that, in many contexts, the current situation has been used as a pretext to limit civil society action in a targeted and unjustified manner.
1 (Elgar et al 2020).
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ASIES: Gobernabilidad y Covid 19: Su Impacto en el Área Política, Educativa, Jurídica y Económica CIVICUS: 2021 State of Civil Society Report, Chapter 5
CIVICUS: Solidarity in the Time of COVID-19
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Front Line Defenders: Global Analysis 2020
GANHRI: Marrakech Declaration: “Expanding the civic space and promoting and protecting human rights
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GIZ, TAP Network: SDG 16 in VNRs and Spotlight Reports
Global Alliance, White & Case: Analysis of the 2020 Voluntary National Reviews and SDG 16 Global Alliance blog: Civic Space: Why it Matters
Global Tapestry of Alternatives: Webinar series
The Guardian: At least 331 human rights defenders were murdered in 2020, report finds IISD: Will the SDGs Still be Relevant after the Pandemic? A Disability Rights Perspective International Center for Not-For-Profit Law: COVID-19 Civic Freedom Tracker International Civil Society Centre: Solidarity Playbook
International Disability Alliance : Accessibility Guides
International Disability Alliance: COVID 19 and the disability movement
International Disability Alliance: Overview on Accessibility of Video Conferencing Apps and Services International Disability Alliance: Resources and Tools for Action
International Disability Alliance:
The experiences of persons with disabilities with COVID-19
International Disability Alliance: Voices of People with Disabilities During the COVID19 Outbreak Latinobarometro 2018
OHCHR, GANHRI, UNDP: COVID-19 and National Human Rights Institutions,
Tripartite Partnership to support NHRIs with OHCHR and GANHRI
Partners4Review: Voluntary National Reviews submitted to the 2019 High-level Political Forum for Sustainable
Development – a Comparative Analysis
Partners4Review: 2020 Voluntary National Reviews – a snapshot of trends in SDG reporting Secretary General: Role of the United Nations in protecting and promoting civic space
TAP Network and the Global Alliance for Reporting Progress on Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies:
Mainstreaming SDG 16: Using the Voluntary National Review to Advance More Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies.
UN Sustainable Development: Finland’s VNR 2020
UN Sustainable Development: Voluntary common reporting guidelines for voluntary national reviews at the high-
level political forum for sustainable development (HLPF)
UNDP/DESA: What is a good practice? Analytical Framework to analyse and strengthen the quality of stakeholder
United Nations: Guidance Note: Protection and Promotion of Civic Space. United Nations: Secretary General’s Call to Action for Human Rights United Nations: World Youth Report (WYR)
UNDP’s Development Dialogues: Building A Better, Fairer Future For The Furthest Behind