AI and its interrelations with Society, Governance, Advocacy and Capacity Building

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its interrelations with Society, Governance, Advocacy and Capacity Building 

Work Focus Area II

We need wisely-governed AI to increase the much needed problem-solving capacity in our complex world

Tech companies like the American companies Microsoft, Google, Meta, and AI or the Chinese companies Huawei, Tencent, and Meituan are currently developing enormous amounts of computing power, data sets and algorithms. Their aim is to develop Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) which would be human like or even become superhuman intelligence. Popular online network platforms like Google, Facebook or TikTok are increasingly AI-enabled to allow servicing billions of visitors. Health, education, economy but also security are only some fields where AI is becoming more and more important. AI is set to gain impact on all spheres of life. That's what most Big Tech companies and AI developers keep telling us. And not a few of them including Eric Schmidt or Stuart Russell keep warning that the society, ie. the different societies of the world with their cultural, social and economic diversity are not prepared for the already arriving wave of AI-related innovations.

Just to take one example, what does it mean for the next generation when they are confronted with machines that are as intelligent or even more intelligent then them? And these machines are learning machines, ie they are equipped with self-correction mechanisms assuring that they keep learning. An what would it mean for progress and social cohesion if developments increasingly depend on proposals coming from AI Applications? And if innovations by AI would destroy more jobs as it would generate, how could and would this disruption be balanced by governments and society to leave no one behind?

Obviously, if AI will impact all spheres of life it will need not only the expertise of IT experts and AI developers but an all-of-the-society and government engagement to allow exploring the full potential of AI while preventing or mitigating its negative impacts. If this can be achieved, the age of AI could generate unprecedented progress for the world. I am trying to put my penny into the jar and want to invest my 30+ years of international experience in governance and development in cities, countries and at the international level to support Dialogue, Research, Capacity Building and Advocacy for a wise-use of AI.

My related activities included but were not limited in 2024 to these:

  • I produced in spring 2024 in my function as international Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (UK) a Policy Briefing on AI in urban planning: risks and opportunities;
  • This was followed by a very successful ISOCARP Cyber Agora (webinar) on AI in Planning which I co-curated as Chair of the Scientific Committee together with  the ISOCARP's Board and SciCom Member Tijana Tufek-Memisevic;
  • After that I prepared together with Sunil Dubey (Sydney) an Urban Conversation at the 60th World Planing Congress of ISOCARP in Siena, Italy , 8-12 October 2024. As part of the Conversation I m on the same subject where I moderated a high level panel.

For details, please see below.

For possible joint activities on 2025 and beyond please contact me.

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